Ready to learn about Horopito (Pepper tree) / Pseudowintera colorata (Raoul) Dandy ?

Endemic to New Zealand

Winteraceae of Magnoliids

Māori communities traditionally used the chewed leaves to heal wounds.

Modern day uses:
The leaves have a peppery taste, therefore grown as a spice. Due to the peppery taste the plant is also named as pepperwood.
It is also used as an ornamental plant due to the beautiful mixture of bright red young leaves and yellow-green blotched mature leaves produced in the spring.

Scientific facts:
According to scientific research findings, it produce the chemical polygodial which is of antioxidant properties.
Polygodial has been characterised to have some inhibition/ anti-fungal activity against Candida.
Since this is plant naturally occurring in heavy rainfall-dense forests, it is continuously under attack by insects and fungi, due to that reason this plant is rich with specialised plant metabolites that deter pests.

This is one species which is currently Not Threatened in the natural environment.

Interesting Facts:
This has several cultivars, produced with enhanced leaf colours for ornamental purposes.
i.e. ‘Moulin Rouge’ and ‘Winter Fire’


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