Come learn about Southern Sassafras (Black Sassafras) / Atherosperma moschatum Labill.

Native to Australia

Monimiaceae of Magnoliids

Therapeutic drink; 
an infusion made from the scented bark used as a drink. 
This have the ability to help digestive tract ailments acting as a laxative or urinary tract dysfunctions acting as a diuretic.

Modern day Ausie uses:
Provides great timber and used in making small wooden items like clothing pegs.

Scientific facts:
According to scientific research findings, it produce the chemical coclaurine which has antianginal (treatment of heart diseases) and antihypertensive (treatment for high blood pressure) properties.

Increasing temperature in the natural habitats threatens the species through competition from other larger trees and negatively effects flower setting during March - July.  

Important Facts:
The oil from the bark could be poisonous when used in larger quantities


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